Showing 1 - 25 of 257 Results
Allegations for Marriage Licences Issues by the Bishop of London V 26 by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781175692290 List Price: $35.75
Some Account of the Taylor Family by Taylor, P. a. 1819-1891, Ch... ISBN: 9781178165968 List Price: $59.75
Preliminary Investigation of the Alleged Ancestry of George Washington, First President of t... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781169384200 List Price: $24.76
Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of the Collegiate Church or Abbey of St Peter, Wes... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781232242291 List Price: $52.06
Allegations for Marriage Licences Issued by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 1558-1699; ... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781231133958 List Price: $33.03
Visitation of London, Anno Domini 1633, 1634, and 1635, Volume 17 by Saint-George, Sir Henry, Si... ISBN: 9781346492421 List Price: $28.95
John Rogers by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781150071034 List Price: $31.91
The Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of the Collegiate Church Or Abbey of St. Peter... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781143715556 List Price: $46.75
The Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of the Collegiate Church Or Abbey of St. Peter... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781144922106 List Price: $46.75
Allegations for Marriage Licences Issued by the Bishop of London, 1520 to (1828] (Volume 1) by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781153268219 List Price: $58.29
John Rogers: The Compiler of the First Authorised English Bible : The Pioneer of the English... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781143293696 List Price: $37.75
Allegations for Marriage Licences Issued by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 1558-1699 (... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781153240505 List Price: $52.99
A Preliminary Investigation of the Alleged Ancestry of George Washington by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781141306961 List Price: $17.75
John Rogers: The Compiler of the First Authorised English Bible : The Pioneer of the English... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781141870721 List Price: $38.75
The Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of the Collegiate Church Or Abbey of St. Peter... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781143527920 List Price: $47.75
The Visitation of London: Anno Domini 1633, 1634, and 1635. Made by Sr. Henry St. George, Kt... by Howard, Joseph Jackson, Che... ISBN: 9781146194686 List Price: $37.75
Allegations for Marriage Licences Issued by the Bishop of London, 1520 to (1828] (Volume 26) by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781153239271 List Price: $61.91
Allegations for Marriage Licences Issued by the Bishop of London, 1520 to (1828] (Volume 25) by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781153239141 List Price: $59.12
Investigations Concerning the Family of Baldwin, of Aston Clinton by Chester, Joseph Lemuel ISBN: 9781141473960 List Price: $17.75
Allegations for Marriage Licences Issued by the Bishop of London, 1520 to [1828], Volume 1 by Chester, Joseph Lemuel, Arm... ISBN: 9781142605698 List Price: $34.75
Allegations for Marriage Licences Issued by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 1558-1699: ... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel, Arm... ISBN: 9781145854673 List Price: $33.75
The Parish Registers of St. Anthonlin, Budge Row, London: Containing the Marriages, Baptisms... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel, Arm... ISBN: 9781437391305 List Price: $42.95
A Preliminary Investigation Of The Alleged Ancestry Of George Washington, First President Of... by Joseph Lemuel Chester ISBN: 9781437464054 List Price: $15.95
The Parish Registers of St. Antholin, Budge Row, London, containing the Marriages, Baptisms,... by Chester, Joseph Lemuel, Arm... ISBN: 9780788423871 List Price: $10.50
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